The Doctrine, Clergy and Constitution of the Evangelical & Reformed Synod
The Evangelical & Reformed church is committed wholeheartedly to the pure and free Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as rooted in the Five Sola's of the Protestant Reformation. We are a confessional and liturgical union church of Magisterial Protestants with pastors and churches from every traditional Protestant body of Christians. We are committed to unadulterated apostolic teaching and practice solely according to the Holy Word of God.
Our church confesses the Augsburg Confession, the 39 Articles of Religion, Doctor Martin Luther's Small and Large Catechisms, the Evangelical and Heidelberg Catechisms, and the Marburg Articles of 1529. You will find a loving and fearless community amongst our church with brothers and sisters who genuinely care about your well being and fruitful Gospel witness. All of our churches use historic liturgies such as the E&R 1946 Office Book or the 1662 Book of Common Prayer or some other form of "covenant renewal" worship.

The Presiding Bishop and President of the E&R Synod is the Rt. Rev. Doctor Aaron Erastus Long of Paul's Chapel Reformed Church in Lexington, North Carolina where he serves as overseer and pastor.
All of our clergymen receive episcopal ordination as our Bishop serves as the pastor of pastors within our Synod. Bishop Long is a respected, God-fearing, humble and courageous man who speaks the truth in love and serves God and his neighbor with true generosity and charity.
Our Clergy & Their Congregations:


The Rev. Doctor John Taylor
The Rev. Matthew Ryan Byers
The Rev. Micah Clouse
Pastor of Salem Reformed Church Martinsburg, PA

The Rev. Don Deal
Deacon, Pauls Reformed Chapel Church, Lexington, NC

Evangelist Naimat Nasir
Principal at Son of God Christian School & Evangelist at Helping Hands Ministry