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Church Pew

The Doctrine of our Synod

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The Evangelical Catechism

The Evangelical and Reformed Synod submits without reservation and entirely to the Word of God (the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments) as wholly inspired, infallible, inerrant, authoritative and sufficient. The Evangelical and Reformed Synod, holding the faith once delivered to the saints, regards Sacred Scripture as the ultimate rule of faith and practice in the Church. This Church accepts the Apostles’ Creed as the baptismal symbol, and the Nicene & Athanasian Creeds as sufficient statements of the Christian faith. Furthermore, it accepts the witness of the ancient Fathers, and undisputed councils of the Early Church to this faith, and shall endeavour, by the grace of God, to pass the same to succeeding generations. This Church maintains that the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are of Divine institution as Dominical Sacraments, and will continue to administer the same with unfailing use of Christ's very institution and words. This Church will maintain inviolate the three orders of Bishop, Priest (presbyter), and Deacon, which are, by Scripture, confined to qualified males. This Church hereby maintains its constant witness against all those innovations in doctrine and worship, whereby the primitive faith has been overlaid, and which at the Reformation the Protestant churches did disown and reject.

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